Feb. 2 – Timothy D. Backstrom participated in a panel discussion of key litigation issues in 2013 pertinent to TSCA, FIFRA, and Endangered Species matters. Click here to view our presentation “Developments in Environmental Law and What to Expect in the New Administration....
January 28, 2013
4th Annual BioBased Chemicals Summit, January 28 – 31, 2013, San Diego, California.
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. was a proud sponsor. January 28 – James V. Aidala presented “Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities In Bringing New Chemicals to Market.” January 29 – Charles M. Auer participated in the “BioManufacturing & Scale-Up Symposium.” January 30 – Lynn L. Bergeson presented “Global Regulatory Update: Staying Ahead of Expanding Regulatory Requirements and Finding Opportunities.” January 30 – John H. Thorne, Ph.D. moderated the...
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. was a proud sponsor.Lynn L. Bergeson gave a presentation on the latest global developments in nanoscale governance and regulation. To receive a copy of the presentation, contact chad.howlin@lawbc.com....
November 15, 2012
Environmental Law Institute 21st Annual Eastern Boot Camp on Environmental Law, November 14-16, 2012. Washington, D.C.
On November 15, 2012, Lynn L. Bergeson spoke on “Federal Chemical Regulation: TSCA & FIFRA.” Click here for more information....
November 14, 2012
Election Results—What Is in Store for Environmental Law and Policy, November 14, 2012
B&C was pleased to host a video webinar on the implications of the election results on federal environmental law and policy. The webinar focused on the implications of the elections, including what policies and initiatives can be expected in the next four years, and how any likely regulatory directions may affect our clients. Lynn L. Bergeson moderated the panel. The agenda and speaker profiles are available online. For online access to the archived webinar contact Chad Howlin....
October 18, 2012
American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL) Annual Meeting, October 18-20, 2012. Washington, D.C.
Lynn L. Bergeson spoke at the meeting....
September 30, 2012
International Bar Association Annual Conference, September 30-October 5, 2012. Dublin, Ireland.
Lynn L. Bergeson participated in a panel on October 3, 2012, on “Nanotechnology — The next environmental regulatory frontier.” Click here for more information....
Click here for additional information....
The Acta Group, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.’s consulting affiliate, convened a complimentary webinar outlining and discussing changes to the European Union (EU) regulations for companies marketing biocidal active substances and biocidal products in the EU. The RSVP deadline was September 14, 2012. The agenda and speaker profiles are available online. For online access to the archived webinar contact Chad Howlin....
“Washington Insiders Look Ahead,” September 19, 2012. Lynn L. Bergeson and James V. Aidala took a look at the 2012 election and discussed the ramifications to the environmental industry with various possible outcomes. ...