SNWG Responds to SAP Report on Nanosilver and Other Nanometal Oxide Pesticide Products
In a February 5, 2010, letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs, the Silver Nanotechnology Working Group (SNWG) provides its reactions to the recent Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) report on nanosilver and other nanometal oxide pesticide products. In its letter, SNWG highlights a number of the statements and recommendations from the SAP report that it considers “highly relevant for the shaping of EPA policy towards nanosilver materials.” SNWG notes that nanosilver is not a new material; clarity is needed on EPA concept of nano; real-life conditions are essential for realistic risk assessment; EPA policy must allow for sustainable technology development; and SAP frequently confounded general “nano”-related issues and uncertainties with issues specific to nanosilver.