The Committee on Hazardous Substances (AGS) of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) began a public consultation on its update to several technical rules. AGS seeks comment on Bekanntmachung zu Gefahrstoffen (BekGS) 527, “Hergestellte Nanomaterialien.” Although BAuA has published an English translation of Announcement 527, “Manufactured Nanomaterials,” BAuA notes that it is not up-to-date and is unofficial. The German documents are...
January 9, 2017
France Releases 2016 Report on Nanomaterial Reporting Scheme
In November 2016, the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, and the Sea released its 2016 report, in French, Éléments issus des déclarations des substances à l’état nanoparticulaire. The report analyzes nanomaterial declarations received in 2016 for reporting year 2015. Under Decree No. 2012-232, companies that manufacture, import, and/or distribute a “substance with nanoparticle status” in an amount of at least 100 grams per year must submit an annual report with...