
February 16, 2023

ECOS and BUND Publish Recommendations for the Testing of Nano- and Advanced Materials

On February 15, 2023, the Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS) and the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), non-governmental organizations in Europe working on both standardization and nanotechnologies, announced the release of a report entitled “Making nano- and advanced materials safe for all: State of play of discussions at the OECD.” According to the organizations, the use of nanomaterials remains underregulated in the European Union (EU). The press...
January 28, 2015

NGOs Comment on EC’s Working Conclusions Concerning Transparency Measures for Nanomaterials on the Market

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) posted on January 13, 2015, a paper entitled “NGO comments on Transparency measures for nanomaterials on the market:  Working conclusions.”  EEB, the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), Friends of the Earth (FOE) Australia, and Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) state that they disagree with most of the EC’s working conclusions regarding the transparency measures for nanomaterials on the market.  The NGOs claim that the...