Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report quoted Lynn L. Bergeson in an October 31, 2014 article on silicon carbide. “Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson & Campbell P.C., which has tracked global developments of policies and regulations for nanotechnologies, said IARC’s conclusions about carbon nanotubes reflect the state of the science as it exists today and are thus necessarily limited. ‘The good news is there is no data at this time to suggest carbon nanotubes cause...
October 31, 2014
Bergeson & Campbell P.C. Quoted in Inside EPA Story “EPA Readies New Chemical Risk Analyses As TSCA Reform Prospects Fade”
Inside EPA quoted an October 23, 2014, email commentary from Bergeson & Campbell P.C.® discussing the effectiveness of the Toxic Substances Control Act Work Plan. The Work Plan “reflects a certain nimbleness and elasticity in the program, features that are essential to the success of any chemical assessment process,” said the email. “The update also speaks favorably of the Work Plan’s ability to accommodate new information and recalibrate on an ongoing basis. . . ....
October 27, 2014
BRAG® Petitions EPA for Biodiesel Products CDR Exemptions Already Granted to Petroleum Products
On October 21, 2014, the Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group (BRAG®) submitted petitions to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requesting that biodiesel fuel manufacturers be granted the same Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) exemptions that petroleum-based diesel manufacturers already receive. BRAG made its petitions through two mechanisms allowed under Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) rules. BRAG’s petitioning of EPA was reported in the Bloomberg BNA Daily...
October 24, 2014
Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report story “EPA Reorganizes Registration Division, Announces Lewis as New Division Director”
The October 24, 2014, Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report featured comments from Lynn L. Bergeson about the restructuring of the EPA’s registration division. “Lynn Bergeson, head of the law firm Bergeson & Campbell, told Bloomberg BNA that the impetus for these moves was likely to make sure the division meets its statutory deadlines to issue registrations. ‘I think the decision to reorganize was driven entirely by EPA’s desire to ensure more people are working on registration...
Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report quoted Lynn L. Bergeson in an October 20, 2014, story that explored the outcome of a Republican held Senate. “ ‘There are signs the House will remain engaged, suggesting that 2015 could be the year for TSCA reform,’ said Bergeson. ‘How extensive the reform, whether it will address all the TSCA issues that have been discussed for years, whether it will stem the tide of state chemical-specific measures and whether consumer confidence will be...
Bloomberg BNA Chemical Regulation Reporter featured comments on the use of nanoengineered chemicals by Lynn L. Bergeson in an October 16, 2014, article covering a webinar on nanotechnology issues offered by the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA). “Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson & Campbell P.C., who participated in the A&WMA’s webinar, pointed to an example of a beneficial use of a nanoengineered chemical. The day of the webinar, the EPA...
October 14, 2014
Imminent Events of Note in Nanotechnology, Biobased Chemicals, California Safer Consumer Products, and Chemical Regulation Globally
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) and The Acta Group (Acta®) are proud to be sponsors, presenters, and/or exhibitors at a select number of special events this Fall that will present focused education and guidance on key issues: WEBINAR — Regulation of Nanotechnology: Practical Information for Industry, Researchers and Other Stakeholders, October 16, 2014, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (EDT) This webinar, presented by the Air & Waste Management Association...
Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report featured comments by Lynn L. Bergeson in an October 8, 2014 story regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recent withdrawal of a reporting rule regarding nanoscale materials that it submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) four years ago, and the significant new use rule (SNUR) it proposed the same day as the withdrawal (RIN No. 2070-AJ54). ‘‘ ‘Some of us had speculated that EPA had given up the ghost,’...
October 3, 2014
Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted in Law360 Article “TSCA Reform Chances Dim With Boxer’s Preemption Pushback.”
Lynn L. Bergeson was quoted in Law360 discussing the recently released proposals to update the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). “‘Electing to eliminate any preemptive effect virtually assures the propagation of inconsistent, random state and local chemical regulations,’ Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson & Campbell PC, said. ‘The patchwork approach to state and local regulations is the nemesis of the business community and a key driver for TSCA reform.’ Bergeson...
October 1, 2014
Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted in Chemical Watch’s ChemCon The Americas 2014 Preview Article “California and South Korea Among Chicago Highlights”
Chemical Watch quoted Lynn L. Bergeson discussing California’s influence on US and world regulatory programs: ” ‘In a word, size matters,’ said Lynn L. Bergeson. ‘California’s economy is the eighth largest in the world if it is compared to those of whole countries, and it accounts for 13% of US gross domestic product (GDP). The state has a rich, and well-deserved, reputation as a trendsetter. Its approach to the regulation of volatile organic...
September 30, 2014
Successful EOSA Safety Training Webinar Highlights Value of Chemical Consortia Activities
The benefits of forming or joining a chemical industry consortium go well beyond responding to test rules or other regulatory programs forcing coordination and cooperation among market competitors. B&C® Consortia Management, L.L.C. (BCCM) assists a number of companies that are working together within formal trade groups to achieve industry-wide goals that single companies could not accomplish on their own. These include addressing misperceptions regarding chemical products,...
September 26, 2014
California’s Release of Draft Initial Priority Product Work Plan Drives Agenda of 5th Safer Consumer Products Summit
October 22-24, 2014, San Francisco, California With the Draft Initial Priority Product Work Plan by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) now released, it is important for manufacturers, importers, and retailers of consumer products in the categories listed by DTSC in the Work Plan to understand and address any issues. The upcoming Safer Consumer Products Summit, of which Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) is a proud sponsor, will bring together DTSC...
September 25, 2014
Lynn L. Bergeson quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Story “Senate TSCA Modernization Talks Collapse; Reform Supporters Look to Next Congress.”
The September 19, 2014, Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report featured comments by Lynn L. Bergeson regarding the collapse of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) reform talks, specifically efforts to revise the Chemical Safety Improvement Act (S. 1009). Bergeson “told Bloomberg BNA the collapse of the bipartisan Senate discussions on TSCA reform was disappointing but not surprising. ‘Stakeholders can be encouraged by the late rally in the legislative cycle, and perhaps by whatever...
September 25, 2014
Spray Drift, Volatilization, and Pesticide Registration Review: How to Navigate the Issues
Wednesday, October 1, 20141:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (EDT) This webinar has occurred. For copies of presentation materials contact Speakers include well-recognized experts on these complex issues: Jeff Dawson, Senior Scientist, Chemist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Health Effects Division and Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.’s (B&C®) Senior Scientist Susan H. Youngren, Ph.D., and Senior Government...
September 23, 2014
ChemCon The Americas — Twelve In-Depth Sessions, Dozens of Regulatory Authorities, Hundreds of Industry Delegates, One Unparalleled Conference and Exhibition
October 28 – 30, 2014, Chicago, Illinois Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) is proud to once again be a sponsor of and program advisor to ChemCon, the premier global chemical control conference offering the most authoritative speakers, most in-depth sessions, and broadest global perspective on existing and emerging chemical regulatory schemes. Highlights from the diverse and substantive program planned for Chicago include: The full agenda is available online. In addition to the...
September 18, 2014
Lynn L. Bergeson comments on TSCA reform in Chemical Watch article “US Senator Boxer Reveals TSCA Reform Bill: Vitter Proposal Roundly Criticised.”
Chemical Watch quoted Lynn L. Bergeson in response to Senator Boxer’s (D-CA) Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) counterproposal to the Chemical Security Improvement Act (CISA) sponsored by Senator David Vitter (R-LA). Bergeson said of the issue “I do not give Senator Boxer’s bill, or any other TSCA reform measure much hope given the lateness of the session, the lack of alignment on key measures in the bill, and the polarisation on matters generally in Congress. Whether...
September 12, 2014
James V. Aidala quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Story “Advocates’ Lawsuit Could Result in EPA Ban On Widely Used Organophosphate Ingredient.”
James V. Aidala was quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report speaking on the chlorpyrifos lawsuit. “This filing is probably a small piece of the environmental groups’ much larger overall strategy, [said] Jim Aidala, a former EPA pesticide official in the Clinton administration and now a senior consultant at the law firm previous hitBergesonnext hit and Campbell. The agency has technically not yet missed its December deadline, he told Bloomberg BNA, so it is unclear...
September 10, 2014
Lynn L. Bergeson quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Story “EPA ‘Open for Business’ on Nanosilver, Administrative, Enforcement Actions Indicate.”
Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report featured comments by Lynn L. Bergeson regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recent conditional registration of HeiQ’s nanosilver pesticide to be used on textiles. In the article, Bergeson is quoted as saying “the relevance of HeiQ is not just that the EPA approved a single application under the terms of FIFRA. It also telegraphs that EPA is open for business for the purposes of reviewing applications. That’s a big deal.” The...
September 10, 2014
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. Silver Sponsor of SRA Nano Risk Analysis (II)
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) is proud to once again be sponsoring an SRA Nano Workshop in conjunction with the Emerging Nanoscale Materials Specialty Group of the Society for Risk Analysis. Nano Risk Analysis (II) will be held September 15-16, 2014, at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and it is not too late to join in: walk-up registrations are welcome. B&C’s Jane S. Vergnes, Ph.D., DABT®, Senior Toxicologist,...
Stay Compliant and Competitive Under the Newer, Greener Chemical Control Paradigms The dramatic shift in law and policy away from the regulation of end-of-pipe discharges of chemicals into the environment toward a more proactive focus on greener ingredient selection and manufacturing processes to prevent pollution at the source continues unabated, with over two dozen states having considered and/or passed new legislation in 2014. Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) is deeply engaged in...