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July 6, 2018

NanoReg2 and Gracious Will Hold Scientific Workshop on Grouping of Nanomaterials in September

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The NanoSafety Cluster announced that its projects NanoReg2 and Gracious, which focus on grouping, have come together with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Working Party for Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) to host a two-day conference in Paris on September 12-13, 2018.  The “Scientific workshop on Grouping of Nanomaterials” will immediately follow the September 11, 2018, WPMN meeting on physico-chemical parameters framework for the risk assessment of nanomaterials, which will bring together international experts to review the outcomes of two joint projects on physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials and their measurement.  According to the NanoSafety Cluster, the NanoReg2 and Gracious workshop will build upon the OECD meeting, “with synergies between the grouping approaches taken by both projects and the physico-chemical parameters and their measurement and reporting that will be covered as part of the OECD meeting.”  Session topics will include:

  • Grouping of nanomaterials: Principles, history, and context of grouping activities;
  • Over-arching grouping schemes;
  • Grouping in practice: Connecting to test methods and strategies; and
  • Development of grouping recommendations and next steps.

The NanoSafety Cluster states that workshop outcomes will include recommendations on nanomaterials grouping that can support global regulations and standards development.  The workshop invites participation from stakeholders experienced in nanomaterials grouping and physico-chemical and hazard assessment.  Stakeholders from industry and regulatory backgrounds are especially welcome.  Participation in the workshop will be free, with delegates covering their own travel and subsistence costs.  Places are limited and potential participants are required to provide a short summary of their relevant expertise to allow the organizers to ensure representation from a diverse range of stakeholders.