
August 26, 2022

USDA Accepting Applications for $100 Million in Biofuel Infrastructure Grants

By Lynn L. Bergeson and Carla N. Hutton   The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced on August 23, 2022, that USDA is accepting applications for $100 million in grants to increase the sale and use of biofuels derived from U.S. agricultural products. 87 Fed. Reg. 51641. The funding is available through the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP). The program seeks to market higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel by sharing the costs to...
August 19, 2022

Next Generation Fuels Act Intends to Improve Engine Efficiency and Performance

By Lynn L. Bergeson and Carla N. Hutton   On July 26, 2022, Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Joni Ernst (R-IA) introduced the bipartisan and bicameral Next Generation Fuels Act (S. 4621), which would aim to leverage higher-octane fuels to improve engine efficiency and performance. According to Grassley’s July 26, 2022, press release, allowing the sale of fuels with greater octane levels would increase the amount of ethanol that can be used in the fuel...
January 25, 2022

Senator Daley Introduces Bill To Boost Michigan Biofuels

By Lynn L. Bergeson  On January 11, 2022, Michigan State Senator Kevin Daley (R, 31st Senate District) introduced a bill focused on growing alternative fuel production in Michigan and providing cleaner and cheaper options for Michigan drivers using biofuels produced with renewable energy from Michigan farms. Senator Daley highlighted that “Biofuels are a major economic engine for rural communities across Michigan, and they help position our state to rely less on foreign...
December 8, 2021

University Of Iowa Scientists Uncover New Genetic Variation In Yeast That Can Improve Ethanol Produc

By Lynn L. Bergeson On November 11, 2021, the University of Iowa announced that its Department of Biology scientists discovered a new type of genetic variation in yeast that can improve the production of ethanol. According to the study conducted by the University’s biologists, yeast strains with certain alleles of gene MED15 are more efficient at fermentation. The study was led by Professor Jan Fassler, who states that these findings may assist scientists in engineering a...
June 1, 2021

DOE Argonne National Laboratory Publishes Retrospective Analysis Of Changes In U.S. Corn Ethanol GHG

By  Lynn L. Bergeson and Ligia Duarte Botelho, M.A.   On May 4, 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory published an article titled “Retrospective Analysis of the U.S. Corn Ethanol Industry for 2005-2019: Implications for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions.” Using a life-cycle analysis (LCA), researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory quantified the life cycle of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of fuels to compare relative...
March 1, 2019

Scientists Discover Method For Transforming Methanol To Ethanol

By Lynn L. Bergeson On February 14, 2019, scientists in China published an article revealing a new methodology developed to safely transform methanol into ethanol.  Given methanol’s toxicity, this recently uncovered method allows for a more secure, user-friendly, sustainable technology that can be more broadly applied.  The scientific article reports a photo-driven one-step conversion of methanol to ethanol at ambient temperature.  A relatively simple process, the...
July 13, 2018

North Dakota Industrial Commission Provides Grant To Midwest AgEnergy For Barley-Based Ethanol Resea

By Lynn L. Bergeson On July 2, 2018, Midwest AgEnergy announced that the North Dakota Industrial Commission, a division of North Dakota’s State Department of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, had awarded it a $83,810 grant to research using North Dakota barley to produce ethanol with a protein concentrate byproduct for use in aquaculture.  This would be the first ethanol produced North Dakota from a feedstock other than corn, and would include an expansion of the Dakota...
April 27, 2018

Japan Will Allow U.S. Corn Ethanol Imports To Reach GHG Reduction Targets

By Lynn L. Bergeson On April 17, 2018, it was announced that Japan’s new biofuel policy will allow imports of ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) made from U.S. corn-based ethanol.  Japan has updated its sustainability policy to tighten the carbon intensity reduction requirements of ethanol that is used to make ETBE from a 50 percent reduction to a 55 percent reduction.  Originally, the policy only allowed sugarcane-based ethanol for import and production of ETBE, but the...
February 9, 2018

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

Business Insider, “U.S. EPA Hopes To Decide Soon On Ethanol Waiver: Administrator” Qantas, “World First US-Australia Biofuel Flight Takes Off” Centre for Process Innovation, “New Pilot Plant Converts Used Cooking Oil Into Biodiesel” University of Illinois, “New Study Shows Producers Where And How To Grow Cellulosic Biofuel Crops”...
February 2, 2018

PNNL Researchers Convert Ethanol To Butadiene In Single Step

By Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D. On January 23, 2018, DOE announced that researchers at PNNL have developed a catalyst capable of converting ethanol directly into butadiene.  Butadiene is the building block for nearly every major synthetic plastic or rubber in the U.S, including tires, fuel hoses, and children’s toys.  The project, which is sponsored by BETO, aimed to generate butadiene from renewable sources by developing a new catalyst that can convert ethanol into...
January 26, 2018

Brazil Considers Removing Ethanol Tariff

By Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D. According to Brazil’s Agriculture Minister Blairo Maggi, Brazil is considering lifting the 20 percent tariff on ethanol imports from the U.S..  Demand for ethanol in Brazil has increased due to record-high gasoline prices.  As indicated in the BRAG blog post Grain, Ethanol Industry Send Letter To U.S. Trade Representative On Brazil Ethanol Tariff, U.S. ethanol producers would welcome the removal of the tariff and renewed access to Brazil, which is...
December 8, 2017

Ontario Issues Proposed Amendments In Support Of Biofuels

By Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D. On November 29, 2017, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (Ministry) issued proposed amendments to the Ethanol in Gasoline regulation (O. Reg. 535/05) and the Greener Diesel — Renewable Fuel Content Requirements for Petroleum Diesel Fuel (O. Reg. 97/14) under the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.19.  Among the proposed changes is an increase from a 5 percent ethanol blending mandate to 10 percent starting in 2020; a...
September 29, 2017

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

Senator Grassley, “Grassley, Senators to Lighthizer:  Engage Brazil on Unfair Ethanol Tariff” National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Enzyme’s Worth to Biofuels Shown in Latest NREL Research” Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, “Solar-to-Fuel System Recycles CO2 to Make Ethanol and Ethylene” Advanced Biofuels USA, “Energy Beet Feasibility Study Finds Navy Best Potential Near-Term Customer for Alcohol-to-Jetfuel Product” Michigan State...
September 1, 2017

Flint Hills Resources Installs Co-Product Technologies

By Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D. On August 14, 2017, Flint Hills Resources, a member of the Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group (BRAG®), announced that construction is underway to install a new, bolt-on technology, known as Maximized Stillage Co-Products™ (MSC), at its ethanol plant in Fairmont, Nebraska.  The MSC technology will be used to convert a portion of the distiller grains, a coproduct of ethanol manufacturing, to a high protein animal and fish feed ingredient,...
August 25, 2017

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, “Project Moves Forward to Turn State Roadways into a Renewable Energy Source” North Dakota State University, “Economic Impact of North Dakota's Ethanol Industry in Fiscal Year 2015” The University of British Columbia, “New Biofuel Technology Cuts Production Time Significantly”...
July 21, 2017

EIA Issues Short-Term Energy Outlook Report

By Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D. On July 11, 2017, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) issued its June Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO).  EIA considered EPA’s recent rulemakings on the 2017 RFS volume requirements and proposed 2018 RFS volume requirements when developing its STEO for 2017 and 2018.    Biodiesel production averaged 101,000 barrels per day (b/d) in 2016, and, according to EIA, is expected to increase to an average of 105,000 b/d in 2017 and to 109,000...
April 13, 2017

UAI Challenges CRC Study On Vehicular Emissions

By Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D. On March 29, 2017, the Urban Air Initiative (UAI) released a statement claiming that the Coordinating Research Council’s (CRC) study on fuel emissions was biased and flawed.  According to UAI, the match blending of test fuels in the study fails to recognize the performance of ethanol in real world fuels, including improving fuel quality and reducing toxic tailpipe emissions.  UAI stated that performing match blending in a lab using a...
March 31, 2017

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

?  Renewable Fuels Association, “Veterans Encourage President to Include Ethanol, RFS in Energy Plan”   ?   Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, “State Ag Department Greenlights 16 Promising Industrial Hemp Research Projects”   ?  Brookhaven National Laboratory, “Study IDs Link between Sugar Signaling and Regulation of Oil Production in Plants”   ?  University of Manchester, “Bioenergy Gets Graphic with New Illustrated...
March 17, 2017

Bipartisan Bill Introduced To Reform RFS Program

On March 2, 2017, Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) reintroduced the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Reform Act, which aims to guide the debate and reform of the ethanol mandate.  According to Goodlatte, the RFS program failed to lower prices at the pump and resulted in unintended and profound effects on consumers, energy producers, livestock producers, retailers, and the environment.  The RFS Reform Act, which had 42 bipartisan cosponsors, would eliminate corn-based ethanol requirements,...
March 17, 2017

Coalition Sends Letter To Trump On Ethanol Policy Changes

On March 7, 2017, the Governors’ Biofuels Coalition sent a letter to President Trump requesting the Administration’s support for changes to various federal policies to strengthen biofuels production and expand markets for ethanol and other biofuels.  The letter, which was signed by Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts and Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, specifically highlights the need for the Trump Administration to change the fuel volatility limitations placed on E15, to update corn...
March 9, 2017

RFA Publishes Report On U.S. Ethanol Industry

On February 22, 2016, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) published the results of a study on the impact of the ethanol industry on the U.S. economy.  The study, which was commissioned by ABF Economics, found that the U.S. ethanol industry contributed over $42 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) and supported 340,000 jobs in 2016.  Additionally, the report states that the ethanol industry provided significant contributions in terms of displacing imported crude...
March 9, 2017

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

?  Fuels America, “America’s Biofuel Advocates Reject Effort to Derail Renewable Fuel Standard”   ?   The Hill, “House GOP to Prioritize Ethanol, Pipeline Legislation”   ? Premier Jay Wetherill, “State Government to Support Legalisation of Industrial Hemp”   ? Oil Price, “Biofuels May be the Future of the Aviation Industry”   ? Princeton University, “Schmidt Fund Awards Go to Projects with...
February 10, 2017

UAI Petitions EPA To Withdraw Flawed Emissions Model

On January 25, 2017, the Urban Air Initiative (UAI), along with the Energy Future Coalition and the states of Kansas and Nebraska, filed a request for correction of information petitioning EPA to correct its models on motor vehicle fuel emissions that limit the use of higher blends of ethanol.  In the petition, UAI claims that EPA continues to publish inaccurate data regarding ethanol emissions that originated with its fuel effects study and vehicular emissions computer...
January 20, 2017

USDA Releases Report On Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Balance Of Ethanol

On January 12, 2017, USDA released a report on the lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of corn ethanol, titled “A Life-Cycle Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Based Ethanol.”  The study reviewed industry and farm sector performance over the past decade and found that in the United States corn-based ethanol generates 43 percent less GHG emissions than gasoline.  Compared to previous studies, the lifecycle GHG benefits were greater due to improvements in...
September 9, 2016

Mexico Publishes 5.8 Percent Ethanol Mandate For Rural Areas

On August 29, 2016, the Energy Regulatory Commission of Mexico (CRE) published fuel regulation NOM-016-CRE-2016 in the Mexican Federal Register. This fuel standard allows for the blending and sale of up to 5.8 percent ethanol in the nation's fuel supply outside of Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey. These new regulations will go into effect 60 days after publication of the bill, marking the first ethanol mandate to impact rural areas of Mexico. Guadalajara currently has...
September 2, 2016

USDA Reports On Increasing Ethanol Production Capacity In The Philippines

On August, 24, 2016, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service released an annual report on the Philippines' biofuel industry and ethanol imports. In January 2007, The Biofuels Act or Republic Act (RA 9367) was signed, creating biofuels legislation in the Philippines that now mandate a ten percent ethanol blend and a two percent biodiesel blend. While the Biofuels Act gives priority to local ethanol, supply issues with local ethanol production have resulted...
September 2, 2016

Brazil Backtracks From Plan To Increase Ethanol Use Through Tax Breaks

On August 24, 2016, Brazil's government announced that it would not be extending a tax break on ethanol sales that is due to expire in December 2016. During the 2015 Paris Climate Accord, Brazil pledged to increase cane-based ethanol and biodiesel to nearly 18 percent of its total energy mix by 2030, requiring an increase in annual ethanol production from 30 billion liters in 2015/2016 to 50 billion liters in 2030. The loss of the...
September 2, 2016

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

? Growing Produce, "Better Biocontrol Options Becoming Available to Organic Growers" ? Joint Genome Institute, "Expanding the Stable of Workhorse Yeasts" ? Scientific American: ClimateWire, "Engineered Bacterium Turns Carbon Dioxide into Methane Fuel" ? DVIDS, "Fueling The Future: Air Force Title III Program Working To 'Home-Grow' Biofuels for DOD, Industry" ? NEC, "NEC Develops Non-Edible-Plant-Based Bioplastic Featuring the Elegance of...
August 26, 2016

North Dakota To Study Technical And Economic Feasibility Of CCS

On August 10, 2016, Red Trail Energy, LLC, a North Dakota ethanol producer, announced that it, along with the Energy & Environmental Research Center, had been awarded $490,000 to examine the integration of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The study will consist of installing and operating a commercial CCS system in a facility producing approximately 63 million gallons of ethanol and 180,000 tons of CO2, and tracking the technical and economic parameters required. The total...
May 27, 2016

USDA Exploring Ways To Increase U.S. And Mexican Renewable Energy Sectors

On May 23, 2016, USDA announced that a team of U.S. ethanol industry leaders would travel to Mexico with Acting Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Michael Scuse to explore opportunities to expand the United States' and Mexico's renewable energy industries. The trip occurred on May 24-25, 2016, with mission participants sharing their experiences with ethanol production and developing renewable fuel policies. The goal of the trip was to demonstrate how Mexico can implement its own renewable...
May 6, 2016

Iowa Legislature Unanimously Votes To Extend Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program

On April 27, 2016, the Iowa Senate voted 49-0 to extend the Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program (RFIP) through June 30, 2017. The legislation, House File 2464, was passed by the Iowa House 94-0 and provides funding for cost-share grants to upgrade fueling infrastructure. RFIP covers up to 70 percent of the installation cost of E15, E85, or biodiesel blend fuel pumps for Iowa retailers, up to $50,000 per project. "While we were hopeful for a...
April 15, 2016

Argentina More Than Doubles Required Ethanol Blend To Move Away From Fossil Fuels

On April 8, 2016, Reuters reported that Argentina is planning on increasing the required percentage of ethanol in gasoline from 12 percent to 26 percent. Specific targets have not yet been created for increasing the required ethanol blend, but Argentina has been increasing the required ethanol percentage to reduce energy deficits and boost its economy. Argentina first created an ethanol mandate at five percent in 2010, and has increased the percentage incrementally since then. The...
February 26, 2016

Tom Vilsack Responds To Studies On Evolution Of Ethanol Production

On February 16, 2016, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack responded to two recent reports on ethanol and renewable fuels. The first report was published by USDA and is on "2015 Energy Balance for the Corn-Ethanol Industry," and the second report comes from the University of Missouri Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) and is a "Literature Review of Estimated Market Effects of U.S. Corn Starch Ethanol." Both studies demonstrate the growth of the United...
January 22, 2016

Biobased Chemicals: The Iowa Opportunity Report Calls For State Support Of Biorenewables

On January 14, 2016, a report titled "Biobased Chemicals: The Iowa Opportunity" was released by Iowa's Cultivation Corridor and the Iowa Biotechnology Association at the Iowa Statehouse. This report is based on research by Iowa State University professors and outlines opportunities for Iowa to capitalize on bioprocessing developments in the United States. While Iowa has the advantage of a strong biofuel industry, there is still a need for the Iowa legislature to address the needs...
October 22, 2015

Ethanol Mandates under RFS and EPA’s Lifecycle GHG Analysis

In a settlement with the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) and the American Petroleum Institute (API), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) agreed to set renewable fuel obligations for calendar years 2014 and 2015 by November 30, 2015, under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).  The RFS requires annual increases in the amount of renewable fuel that must be blended into the total volume of gasoline refined and consumed in the U.S.  A current TV...
October 20, 2015

EPA’s Office of Inspector General Orders New Ethanol Emissions Study

In a memorandum dated October 15, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) stated that it plans to begin preliminary research on the lifecycle impacts of EPA’s renewable fuel standard (RFS).  The stated objectives from the memorandum are to determine whether EPA:  (1) complied with the reporting requirements of laws authorizing the RFS; and (2) updated the lifecycle analysis supporting the RFS with findings from the...
October 2, 2015

Pennsylvania House Of Representatives Votes To Remove Ethanol Blend Requirement

On September 25, 2015, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted to amend the Biofuel Development and In-State Production Incentive Act by removing a ten percent ethanol blend requirement that occurs when Pennsylvania ethanol production exceeds 350 million gallons. The Act was originally passed in 2008. Since the incentive was put in place, Pennsylvania has not come close to reaching the 350 million gallon threshold. The bill has been referred to the Senate Environmental Resources and...
September 18, 2015

USDA Announces State Finalists For Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership Grants

On September 10, 2015, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the 21 state finalists for Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership (BIP) grants to add infrastructure to supply more renewable fuel to drivers. The program was announced in May 2015, to increase the number of gas pumps dedicated to higher ethanol blends, including E15 and E85. While $100 million was made available by the USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA), applications totaled over $130 million. The grants given...
August 21, 2015

RFA Asks EPA To Allow Higher Ethanol Blends In Midwest Region After Refinery Outage Leads To High Pr

On August 14, 2015, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) asked EPA to waive Reid Vapor Pressure requirements for E15 and to also allow E12 blending. Reid Vapor Pressure is a measure of gasoline's volatility and is regulated in the summer months to reduce health risks caused by evaporative emissions. The request by the RFA occurred in the wake of a 240,000 barrels per day (b/d) refinery outage in Whiting, Indiana that has resulted in 50...
August 21, 2015

Energy Information Administration Issues Short Term Energy Outlook Report

On August 11, 2015, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released the Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO) report. The report outlined expectations for regular gasoline to average a retail price of $2.41 for all of 2015, with prices for the fourth quarter of 2015 averaging $2.11. Consistently low gasoline prices, in addition to the proposed Renewable Fuel Standard volumes that were announced on May 29, 2015, have resulted in the EIA forecasting that ethanol consumption...
July 10, 2015

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

? United, "United Airlines Purchases Stake In Fulcrum BioEnergy With $30 Million Investment" ? Microvi, "Innovative Microvi Bio-Ethanol Technology Validated At Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory" ? Avantium, "Avantium's PEF Plastic At The EXPO 2015 In Milan" ? The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels, "New Research Programs For Cheaper And More Efficient Biofuels" ? IOPScience: Environmental Research Letters, "Comparative...
June 25, 2015

Australia Reaches Agreement To Tax Biodiesel And Ethanol

On June 17, 2015, the Australian government made a bipartisan agreement to tax Australian-produced biodiesel and ethanol. Cleaner fuel grants for renewable and biobased diesel fuels will end by July 1, 2015, as will the Ethanol production grant. An excise rate on biodiesel will be phased in starting in 2015-2016 at zero percent, and will increase annually, eventually reaching 50 percent of the diesel excise rate in 2030-2031. The Biofuels Association of Australia approved of...
June 19, 2015

USDA Is Now Accepting Applications From States For Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership

On June 12, 2015, the USDA began accepting applications for grants under the Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership (BIP). Through the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), BIP will provide up to $100 million in grants to support infrastructure development to make renewable fuel options, including E15 and E85, an option for more American consumers. CCC funds will pay a portion of the costs associated with the installation infrastructure and fuel pumps used to distribute higher ethanol blends to...
June 12, 2015

Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News

? CHS, "CHS Acquires Patriot Renewable Fuels Ethanol Plant" ? Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "BESC, Mascoma Develop Revolutionary Microbe For Biofuel Production" ? WSU News, "Alaska Airlines Plans Biofuel Test Flight In WSU Partnership" ? Solvay, "Solvay Opens Biotechnology Laboratory In Brazil To Boost Innovation In Sustainable Chemistry From Biomass" ? Reuters, "ADM Suspends German Biodiesel Plant Output On Uncertain Demand" ? st1, "St1...
May 29, 2015

European Parliament Votes To Continue Requiring Ethanol

On May 20, 2015, the European Parliament voted to reject a plan that would eliminate the requirement for import licenses of ethanol of agricultural origin. The plan was rejected with a vote of 486 to 164 amid concerns that the loss of ethanol import data that came from the licenses would negatively impact anti-dumping duty cases. The anti-dumping duties were implemented in February 2013, and are valid through February 2018. The duties require $83.03 per...
February 6, 2015

Flint Hills Resources Expands Ethanol Operations Into The Southern U.S.

Flint Hills Resources has completed the acquisition of an ethanol plant near Camilla, Georgia, from Southwest Georgia Ethanol, LLC. Flint Hills Resources’ biofuels business now includes seven ethanol plants with a combined annual capacity of 820 million gallons, a biodiesel plant, and investments in biofuels technology and feedstock development. Camilla is the Company’s first ethanol plant located outside of the Midwest.  ...
June 6, 2014

Environmental Working Group Report On Corn Ethanol

On May 29, 2014, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a report entitled "Ethanol's Broken Promise: Using Less Corn Ethanol Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions." A copy of the report is available online. The report concludes that "[t]he Environmental Protection Agency's pending proposal to cut the amount of corn ethanol that must be blended into gasoline in 2014 by 1.39 billion gallons would lower U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 3 million tons of...
March 14, 2014

South Dakota Increases Use Of E15

On March 6, 2014, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard (R) announced that the state will begin incorporating E15 fuel into its state fleet during a test period over the next six months. Currently, E10 is available and used in the state's flex-fuel and other vehicles, but the Governor wants to encourage the greater use of ethanol in his state. Ethanol is a $3.8 billion industry in South Dakota. Greater use of E15 is one potential...
November 8, 2013

Members Of Congress Send Letter To EPA Urging Reduction In 2014 RFS Targets

On October 30, 2013, Representatives Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Peter Welch (R-VT), and Steve Womack (R-AR) sent a letter signed by 169 Members of Congress to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy urging EPA to use its authority to reduce the 2014 statutory renewable volume obligations (RVO) for all types of biofuels, including conventional corn starch ethanol under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). A copy of the letter is available...
September 5, 2013

Aemetis Announces RFS Pathway Approved By EPA

Renewable fuel and chemical company Aemetis, Inc. announced this week that EPA has approved its Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) pathway to produce ethanol using grain sorghum and biogas with the Company's existing Combined Heat & Power system to generate D5 Advanced Biofuels Renewable Identification Numbers (RIN). This announcement means that additional fuel will qualify to fulfill the annual renewable volumetric targets under the federal RFS statute. It comes as EPA is preparing its...