
April 26, 2024

EC Communication Defines Principles on Limiting Most Harmful Chemicals to Essential Uses

On April 22, 2024, the European Commission (EC) announced that it adopted a “Communication from the Commission: Guiding criteria and principles for the essential use concept in EU legislation dealing with chemicals.” The press release states that “[t]he overall aim of this concept is to achieve higher regulatory efficiency and predictability for authorities, investors and industry for a faster phase-out of the most harmful substances in non-essential uses, while allowing more time for the...
March 28, 2024

EC Publishes Communication on Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing, Announces Targeted Actions

The European Commission (EC) announced on March 20, 2024, that it has proposed a series of targeted actions to boost biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the European Union (EU). The EC states that its March 20, 2024, Communication on Building the future with nature: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU “identifies the challenges and barriers and proposes to tackle them, in line with the Communication on the long-term competitiveness of the EU.” According to the...
April 27, 2023

Council of the EU Approves Conclusions on the Opportunities of the Bioeconomy

By Lynn L. Bergeson and Carla N. Hutton   On April 25, 2023, the Council of the European Union (EU) announced that it approved the conclusions on the opportunities of the bioeconomy in light of current challenges, with special emphasis on rural areas. Using biomass to produce food, materials, and energy can help boost rural communities, increase competitiveness, and combat many of the challenges facing the EU. According to the press release, in their conclusions,...
February 27, 2023

EC Appeals European General Court Decision Annulling the Harmonized Classification and Labeling of Titanium Dioxide

On February 14, 2023, the European Commission (EC) appealed the November 23, 2022, decision of the European General Court that annuls the 2019 harmonized classification and labeling of titanium dioxide as a carcinogenic substance by inhalation in certain powder forms. As reported in our December 6, 2022, memorandum, the court concluded that the EC “made a manifest error in its assessment of the reliability and acceptability of the study on which the classification was based and,...
July 18, 2022

EC Requests Scientific Opinion on Titanium Dioxide in Cosmetic Products

The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) announced on June 22, 2022, that the European Commission (EC) asked that it reassess the safety of titanium dioxide with a focus on genotoxicity and exposure via the inhalation and oral route (lip care, lipstick, toothpaste, loose powder, hair spray) “since the currently available scientific evidence supports an overall lack of dermal absorption” of titanium dioxide particles. The request notes that titanium dioxide is authorized...
June 10, 2022

EC Revises Definition of Nanomaterials

On June 10, 2022, the European Commission (EC) announced that it is clarifying the definition of nanomaterials in a new Recommendation that supports a coherent European Union (EU) regulatory framework for nanomaterials, helping to align legislation across all sectors. The EC states that the new definition should be used in EU and national legislation, policy, and research programs. The Recommendation states: ‘Nanomaterial’ means a natural, incidental or manufactured...
April 1, 2022

EC’s Public Consultation on Targeted Revision of the Cosmetic Products Regulation Includes Review of Nanomaterial Definition

The European Commission (EC) has begun a public consultation on how the Cosmetic Products Regulation could be improved to ensure human health and the functioning of the internal market. According to the EC, the identified shortcomings include “the lack of coherence between legislations on the definition of nanomaterials.” The EC notes that its October 2020 Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability outlines its goal to protect better the public and the environment against...
March 23, 2022

EC Requests SCCS for a Scientific Opinion on “Hydroxyapatite (Nano)”

On March 17, 2022, the European Commission (EC) requested that the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) prepare a scientific opinion on “hydroxyapatite (nano).” As reported in our April 13, 2021, blog item, SCCS issued a final opinion in 2021 stating that having considered the data provided, and other relevant information available in scientific literature, it “cannot conclude on the safety of the hydroxyapatite composed of rod-shaped nanoparticles for use in oral-care...
February 15, 2022

EC Notifies WTO of Draft Amendment to Cosmetics Regulation to Prohibit Certain Nanomaterials

The European Commission (EC) notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) on February 11, 2022, of a draft amendment to the Cosmetics Regulation regarding the use of certain nanomaterials in cosmetics products. The EC states that the amendment is required to enact the prohibition to use in cosmetic products certain nanomaterials for which the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) identified a basis of concern. The draft amendment would revise Annex II to the Cosmetics Regulation (list...
January 28, 2022

EC Committee Statement on Emerging Health and Environmental Issues Includes Nanotechnology Organics and Conversion of Micro to Nano Plastics in the Environment

On January 21, 2022, the European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) published a second statement on emerging health and environmental issues. SCHEER members have identified nine emerging issues in the non-food area as having a potential impact on human health and/or the environment in the future and have given them overall prioritization scores (*, 1, 2, or 3, where * is uncertain and three is high). The emerging issues...
January 14, 2022

EC Adopts Ban on Use of Titanium Dioxide (E171) as a Food Additive

The European Commission (EC) announced on January 14, 2022, that it adopted a ban on the use of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive. The ban will apply after a six-month transition period, and beginning summer 2022, this additive should no longer be added to food products. According to the EC, titanium dioxide “is used to impart white colour to many foods, from baked goods and sandwich spreads to soups, sauces, salad dressing and food supplements.” The...
December 17, 2021

EC Denies Authorization of Titanium Dioxide (E171) as a Feed Additive for All Animal Species, Requires Products Be Withdrawn from the Market in 2022

The European Commission (EC) published a regulation on November 30, 2021, in the Official Journal of the European Union that denies the authorization of titanium dioxide (E171) as an additive in animal nutrition, in the additive category “sensory additives,” and in the functional group “colourants: substances that add or restore colour in feedingstuffs.” Under the regulation, existing stocks of the additive must be withdrawn from the market by March 20, 2022....
October 13, 2021

EC Standing Committee Approves EC Proposal to Ban Use of Titanium Dioxide (E171) as a Food Additive

The European Commission (EC) announced on October 8, 2021, that the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed approved the EC’s proposal to ban the use of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive. The EC states that its proposal “is based on a scientific opinion by the European Food Safety Authority, which concluded that E171 could no longer be considered as safe when used as a food additive, in particular due to the fact that concerns regarding...
September 10, 2021

SCHEER Questions Whether Draft EQSs for Silver and Its Compounds Should Address Silver Nanomaterials

On September 7, 2021, the European Commission (EC) Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) posted a preliminary opinion on “Draft Environmental Quality Standards for Priority Substances under the Water Framework Directive” for silver and its compounds. The Water Framework Directive requires the EC to identify priority substances among those presenting significant risk to or via the aquatic environment and to set environmental quality standards (EQS) for...
August 30, 2021

EC Analyzing Responses to Targeted Stakeholder Consultation Concerning Review of Recommendation on the Definition of a Nanomaterial

As reported in our May 7, 2021, blog item, the European Commission (EC) held a targeted stakeholder consultation as part of its review of the Recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial. The EC held the consultation to update, test, and verify the preliminary findings of its review, gathering further evidence and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders who have a role in application of the harmonized regulatory definition of nanomaterial in the European Union (EU)....
July 29, 2021

France Seeks More Protective European Definition of Nanomaterials

As reported in our May 7, 2021, blog item, the European Commission (EC) recently held a targeted stakeholder consultation to update, test, and verify the preliminary findings of its review of the 2011 Recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial. According to a July 23, 2021, news item posted by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), in its response to the consultation, ANSES maintained that the changes proposed by the EC...
July 28, 2021

EC Publishes Report on Use of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics and Review of Cosmetics Regulation Regarding Nanomaterials

Pursuant to Article 16 (10) and (11) of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 (Cosmetics Regulation), the European Commission (EC) is required to submit to the European Parliament and the Council an annual status report on the use of nanomaterials in cosmetic products and to review the Regulation’s provisions concerning nanomaterials. The July 22, 2021, report includes the following main findings: The report states that aligning the nanomaterial definition in the Cosmetics Regulation with a...
July 6, 2021

EC Requests Scientific Opinion on Fullerenes and Hydroxylated Fullerenes

The European Commission (EC) has requested a scientific opinion from the Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety (SCCS) on fullerenes and hydroxylated fullerenes. According to the request, the EC has received 19 notifications under Article 16 of the Cosmetics Regulation for cosmetic products containing fullerenes and hydroxylated fullerenes. The request states that these ingredients “are reported in CosIng database with the function of ‘antimicrobial’ and ‘skin...
July 1, 2021

Council of the EU Adopts Conclusions on Chemicals to Offer Political Guidance on Sustainable EU Chemicals Policy Strategy

On June 26, 2019, the Council of the European Union (EU) announced that it adopted conclusions on chemicals intended to “offer political guidance on the development of a sustainable EU chemicals policy strategy.”  The June 26, 2019, press release notes that the conclusions address in particular the topics of Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation, endocrine disruptors, nanomaterials, and pharmaceuticals.  According to the...
July 1, 2021

EC Committee Needs More Data to Assess Safety of the Nanomaterials Gold, Colloidal Gold, and Surface Modified Gold

The European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published a final opinion on June 28, 2021, on gold (nano), colloidal gold (nano), gold thioethylamino hyaluronic acid (nano), and acetyl heptapeptide-9 colloidal gold (nano). The EC asked SCCS whether the nanomaterials gold, colloidal gold, gold thioethylamino hyaluronic acid, and acetyl heptapeptide-9 colloidal gold are safe when used in leave-on skin cosmetic products according to the maximum concentrations and...
June 29, 2021

EC Committee States More Data Needed to Assess Safety of Notified Platinum Nanomaterials

On June 28, 2021, the European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published its final opinion on platinum (nano), colloidal platinum (nano), and acetyl tetrapeptide-17 colloidal platinum (nano). The EC asked SCCS whether it considers the nanomaterials A (platinum and colloidal platinum ) and B (acetyl tetrapeptide-17 (and) colloidal platinum) safe when used in leave-on cosmetic products according to the maximum concentrations and specifications reported,...
June 4, 2021

EUON Publishes Nanopinion on the Need for Updating Language Regarding Nanomaterials

On May 31, 2021, the European Union (EU) Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) published a Nanopinion entitled “Updating our language: why we should not paint all nanoforms with the same brush” by Chiara Venturini, Director General of the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA). Venturini reviews how the EU’s language has evolved. In 2011, the European Commission (EC) adopted a definition that describes a nanomaterial as a material at the nanoscale. In 2020, the EC amended Annex II...
May 24, 2021

EP Announces Funding For Projects Focused On The Transition To A Sustainable, Climate-Neutral, And C

By Lynn L. Bergeson and Ligia Duarte Botelho, M.A. On May 18, 2021, the European Parliament (EP) issued a press release announcing the Just Transition Fund (JTF) to assist European Union (EU) countries to address climate neutrality goals. The Just Transition Fund is composed of €7.5 billion from the European Commission’s (EC) long-term EU budget under the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and €10 billion from the EU recovery plan, NextGenerationEU....
May 10, 2021

EFSA Panel Concludes That Titanium Dioxide Cannot Be Considered Safe as a Food Additive

On May 6, 2021, the European Food Safety Association (EFSA) announced that E171 is no longer considered safe when used as a food additive.  The European Commission (EC) asked EFSA to update its safety assessment of the food additive titanium dioxide (E171).  EFSA states:  “Taking into account all available scientific studies and data, the Panel [on Food Additives and Flavorings] concluded that titanium dioxide can no longer be considered safe as a food additive. ...
May 7, 2021

EC Review of Its Recommendation on the Definition of Nanomaterial Includes Targeted Stakeholder Consultation

In 2011, the European Commission (EC) adopted a Recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial.  The Recommendation invites member states, European Union (EU) agencies, and economic operators to use the definition “in the adoption and implementation of legislation and policy and research programmes concerning products of nanotechnologies.”  The EC is now reviewing its Recommendation.  It has launched a targeted stakeholder consultation to update, test, and...
April 19, 2021

EC Scientific Committee’s Preliminary Opinions for Certain Gold and Platinum Nanomaterials Open for Comment

On April 16, 2021, the European Commission (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) posted two preliminary opinions for comment:  Opinion on Gold (nano), Colloidal Gold (nano), Gold Thioethylamino Hyaluronic Acid (nano) and Acetyl heptapeptide-9 Colloidal gold (nano) and Opinion on Platinum (nano), Colloidal Platinum (nano) and Acetyl tetrapeptide-17 Colloidal Platinum (nano).  The EC asked SCCS whether the nanomaterials gold and colloidal gold, gold...
April 13, 2021

EC Committee Concludes Hydroxyapatite (Nano) in Cosmetic Products Can Pose a Risk to Consumers

On April 12, 2021, the European Commission (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published its final opinion on hydroxyapatite (nano).  The EC asked whether SCCS considers the nanomaterial hydroxyapatite safe when used in leave-on and rinse-off dermal and oral cosmetic products according to the maximum concentrations and specifications reported, taking into account reasonably foreseeable exposure conditions.  SCCS states that having considered the data provided, and...
April 1, 2021

EC Requests Committee Opinion on Safety of Titanium Dioxide in Toys; Committee Calls for Scientific Information

The European Commission (EC) has requested a scientific opinion from the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) on the safety of titanium dioxide in toys with regard to a possible derogation from its prohibition.  The Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC prohibits the use of substances in toys if those substances are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction (CMR).  The use of such substances may be permitted under certain...
March 8, 2021

EC Committee Publishes Final Opinion on Copper (Nano) and Colloidal Copper (Nano)

On March 5, 2021, the European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published its final opinion on copper (nano) and colloidal copper (nano).  According to the final opinion, nine manufacturers notified the EC about 36 different products containing nanosized copper.  After initial evaluation and a request for additional information, two manufacturers withdrew their products from the notification, and these seven products were excluded from evaluation,...
March 5, 2021

EC Calls For Applications For Expert Group On Chemicals Strategy For Sustainability

By Lynn L. Bergeson  On February 23, 2021, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) announced that in association with other relevant Directorates-General (DG) of the European Commission (EC), DG Environment has opened a call for applications to select members for an expert group, the High-Level Roundtable on Implementation of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. According to EU-OSHA, the expert group’s mission “is to set the Chemicals Strategy for...
February 25, 2021

EC Calls for Applications for Expert Group on Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

On February 23, 2021, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) announced that in association with other relevant Directorates-General (DG) of the European Commission (EC), DG Environment has opened a call for applications to select members for an expert group, the High-Level Roundtable on Implementation of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.  According to EU-OSHA, the expert group’s mission “is to set the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability...
February 10, 2021

EC DG Invites Offers for Study on Providing Market Data about Nanotechnology to Enhance Transparency

In December 2020, the European Commission (EC) Directorate-General (DG) for Research and Innovation opened a call for tenders for “Providing market data about nanotechnology to enhance transparency.”  The description states that the study on nanotechnology/nanomaterials is aimed to provide a new set of data from the period of 2017 to 2020 into the NanoData database, available on the European Union (EU) Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) website.  This study will follow up on...
January 12, 2021

SCCS Opinion on the Safety of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics Includes Prioritized List of Nanomaterials for Risk Assessment

On January 11, 2021, the European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) posted a final opinion entitled Scientific Advice on the Safety of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics.  The EC requested that SCCS determine the nanomaterials, as published in the 2019 catalogue of nanomaterials, for which specific concerns can be identified and justified to establish a priority list of nanomaterials for risk assessment (Article 16(4) Reg. 1223/2009).  The final opinion...
December 11, 2020

EUON Conducting Web Satisfaction Survey

The European Union (EU) Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) is conducting a web satisfaction survey.  EUON provides information on the safety, innovation, research, and uses of nanomaterials on the EU market.  It is intended for stakeholders developing policies in the area, consumers, industry representatives, and non-governmental organizations.  EUON is funded by the European Commission (EC) and hosted and maintained by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).  Information from the survey...
November 11, 2020

EC Requests Scientific Opinion on UV-Filter HAA299 (Nano)

On November 2, 2020, the European Commission (EC) requested a scientific opinion from the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) on the ultraviolet (UV) filter HAA299 (nano) (chemical name “2-(4-(2-(4-Diethylamino-2 hydroxy-benzoyl)-benzoyl)-piperazine-1-carbonyl)-phenyl)-(4-diethylamino-2-hydroxyphenyl)-methanone”).  According to the EC’s request, the applicant seeks to assess the safety of HAA299 (nano) for use as a UV filter up to a maximum concentration of...
November 10, 2020

EC Committee Preliminary Opinions on Hydroxyapatite (Nano) and Copper (Nano) and Colloidal Copper (Nano) Available for Comment

On November 9, 2020, the European Commission (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published two draft opinions for public comment.  In the preliminary opinion on hydroxyapatite (nano), SCCS considered whether the nanomaterial hydroxyapatite is safe when used in leave-on and rinse-off dermal and oral cosmetic products according to the reported maximum concentrations and specifications, taking into account reasonably foreseeable exposure conditions.  SCCS states that...
November 6, 2020

EC Approves Sweden’s Prolongation Of Tax Exemption For Biofuels

By Lynn L. Bergeson On October 8, 2020, the European Commission (EC), under the European Union (EU) State aid rules, approved the prolongation of tax exemptions for biofuels in Sweden. Having exemptions for liquid biofuels from energy and carbon emissions taxation since 2002, Sweden’s scheme aims to increase biofuels use while reducing the fossil fuels use in transport. With EC’s decision, the tax exemption has now been prolonged by one year from January 1, 2021, until...
October 8, 2020

European Parliament Calls on EC to Ban Titanium Dioxide (E171) in Food

The European Parliament (EP) announced on October 8, 2020, that it objected to a European Commission (EC) proposal to amend the specification for the use of titanium dioxide (E171) in food products.  The EP rejected the EC’s proposal to reduce the amount of titanium dioxide (E171), instead calling on the EC “to apply the precautionary principle and to remove E171 from the EU list of permitted food additives that are currently used mainly to colour confectionery, bakery...
October 7, 2020

Public Consultation Begins on SCCS Scientific Advice on Safety of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics

The European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) began a public consultation on October 5, 2020, on a preliminary opinion entitled Scientific Advice on the Safety of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics.  The EC requested that SCCS determine the nanomaterials, as published in the 2019 catalogue of nanomaterials, for which specific concerns can be identified and justified to establish a priority list of nanomaterials for risk assessment (Article 16(4)...
September 29, 2020

EAASM Report on Patient Safety and Nanomedicines Calls for Centralized Regulatory Procedure

On September 17, 2020, the European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines (EAASM) announced the availability of a report entitled Patient Safety and Nanomedicines:  The need for a centralised regulatory procedure.  According to EAASM, “[n]anomedicines and their follow-on products, also referred to as nanosimilars, are complex molecules and so regulatory oversight must be scientifically fit for purpose.”  The report makes three key recommendations intended to...
August 24, 2020

2020 NanoEHS U.S.-EU COR Workshop Will Be Held September 16-17

The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and European Commission (EC) have organized the ninth annual meeting of the environmental, health, and safety effects of nanomaterials (nanoEHS) Communities of Research (COR) as a virtual workshop on September 16-17, 2020.  According to NNI, as the nanoEHS research ecosystem continues to evolve, the workshop will identify future needs and opportunities.  Conversations will further address how the lessons learned from...
August 14, 2020

EC Will Hold Virtual Workshop on Safe and Sustainable Smart Nanomaterials

The European Commission’s (EC) Joint Research Center (JRC) and the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD) will jointly organize a virtual “Workshop on Safe and Sustainable Smart Nanomaterials” on September 9-10, 2020.  The workshop is focused on smart (responsive, multi-functional) nanomaterials, as such or embedded in products, that are developed for application in industrial sectors such as agriculture, food, packaging, and cosmetics.  The program is...
July 1, 2020

EC Amends REACH Annex II to Include SDS Requirements for Nanoforms

On June 26, 2020, the European Commission (EC) published a regulation in the Official Journal of the European Union that amends Annex II of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation.  Annex II describes the requirements for compiling safety data sheets (SDS).  The EC notes that specific requirements for nanoforms of substances took effect on January 1, 2020, and that information related to those requirements is to be...
April 17, 2020

EC Launches Initiative Aimed At Connecting Stakeholders With Biobased Compounds

By Lynn L. Bergeson and Ligia Duarte Botelho, M.A. On April 10, 2020, the European Commission (EC) announced the launch of its new online service that connects crop and food producers with biorefineries. This European Union (EU) project aims to address food waste by enabling crop producers, food processors, and agricultural cooperatives to sell their waste as feedstock for use by two biorefineries in Spain and Italy. The multi-feedstock biorefineries, designed by Agrimax, convert farming...
March 24, 2020

EC Committee Posts Fact Sheet on Guidance on Safety Assessment in Nanomaterials in Cosmetics in French, German, Italian, and Spanish

On March 23, 2020, the European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) announced that the fact sheet on the SCCS Guidance on the safety assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics is now available in French, German, Italian, and Spanish.  The guidance provides recommendations for the safety assessment of nanomaterials intended for use in cosmetics and covers the main elements of risk assessment of nanomaterials in relation to possible use as cosmetic...
March 10, 2020

SCCS Guidance on Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics Published in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology

The European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) announced on March 3, 2020, that the April 2020 issue of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology includes “The SCCS guidance on the safety assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics.”  The highlights state that: The article is available for purchase through the Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology website. As reported in our November 5, 2019, blog item, SCCS published an...
February 18, 2020

EU Publishes NanoDefine Methods Manual

On January 28, 2020, the European Union (EU) published The NanoDefine Methods Manual, a collection of three Joint Research Center (JRC) reports developed within the NanoDefine project “Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardized methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial.”  According to the Manual, the overall goal of the NanoDefine project was to support the implementation of the European Commission...
February 14, 2020

EC To Host Webinar On Fast Pyrolysis Oil Biobased Products

By Lynn L. Bergeson The European Commission (EC) will host a webinar on biobased products developed from fast pyrolysis oil, where four companies will present their work. A technology that can convert a wide range of biomass into clean and uniform bio-oil that is easy to transport and store, fast pyrolysis has mostly focused, thus far, on the use of pyrolysis oil for energy purposes. According to EC, the Horizon 2020 project called Bio4Products, however,...
February 7, 2020

EC Requests Scientific Advice from SCCS on the Safety of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics

The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) announced on February 6, 2020, that the European Commission (EC) has requested scientific advice on the safety of nanomaterials in cosmetics.  The EC seeks advices on two questions: To avoid conflicting opinions with other bodies, the EC invites SCCS to consult the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER)....
December 13, 2019

EC’s JRC Publishes Report on Identifying Nanomaterials through Measurements

The European Commission’s (EC) Joint Research Center (JRC) recently published a JRC Science for Policy Report entitled Identification of nanomaterials through measurements that is intended to support the implementation of the EC’s Recommendation on the definition of nanomaterials (2011/696/EU).  It is a follow-up of a previous JRC Science for Policy Report on concepts and terms used in the definition.  The present report addresses identification of nanomaterials...